Bottom sheets

Bottom Sheets are surfaces anchored to the bottom of the screen that present users supplement content.

Page Summary

Specifications references


Please follow accessibility criteria for development


Bottom sheets are surfaces anchored to the bottom of the screen that present users supplemental content. It is useful for requesting a specific information or enabling a simple task related to the current context of the current view or more globaly the application context.


The standard bottom sheet must be used only with a “simple, basic” content. If a more complex content (scrollable) must be added prefer the Expanding variant.

It defines two states:

  • closed: The content is hidden
  • opened: The content is visible (above the main view)

A taps on the header, opens or closes the bottom sheet.

struct BottomSheetPresentation: View {
    @State private var isOpen = false
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            //  Main content goes here.
            Text("Bottom sheet is \(isOpen ? "Opened": "Closed")")
        .odsBottomSheetStandard(isOpen: $isOpen, title: "Customize") {
            // Bottom sheet content goes here

You can also define accessibility hints and labels for this standard bottom sheet so as to make VoiceOver vocalize the state of this sheet (opended or closed) or to vocalize some hints to make it be opened or not.


The type of bottom must be used if the content is more complex and perhaps need to be scrollable.

It defines three size:

  • small: (closed) The content is hidden, only the header is visible
  • medium: (parcially opened) The content is parcially visible (half screen above the main view) but not scrollable
  • large: (opened) The content is visible and scrollable

User can resize by tapping on dimming area (close), drag the content, or tap on the header to cycle through the available sizes.

    struct BottomSheetPresentation: View {
        @State private var bottomSheetSize: ODSBottomSheetSize = .large
        var body: some View {
            VStack {
                // Main content goes here.
                Text("Bottom sheet size \(bottomSheetSize.rawValue)")
            .odsBottomSheetExpanding(title: "Customize", bottomSheetSize: $bottomSheetSize) {
                // Bottom sheet content goes here

Remark: In order to compute the resizing when user scrolls the content, the bottom sheet automatically adds the provided content is a scrollView.